Walk on the Dark Side


Music can change our hearts, but can it change our minds? What if life reflected a song instead of the other way around?

Inspired ny music, the anthology Dark Side of the Moon contains short fiction from the ragged, mad corners of the mind. Named after Pink Floyd’s album of the same name, this book stretches the imagination to the tunes of some psychedelic progressive rock.

Plus, my short story “Couple Modifications” is on the set list! (Catches random clothing article and flashes winning smile.)

Dark Side of the Moon is now available on amazon and createspace! Will update the fiction page shortly, but here are the links. Kindle on amazon.com or paperback at createspace

Attention: Small victories may result in… fright?


Warning: Not to be used as prosthetic

In life, any victory along the way can encourage us, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem to others. For instance, putting your shoes on the right foot the morning after can really boost your survival-type confidence level. In the event of a disheveling event like an apocalypse, you will at least not have smushed toes whilst running to safety.

Yesterday, I didn’t finish the Great American Novel. I didn’t become a New York Times Bestseller. I didn’t get Doubleday or Scribner to know my name. I’m still not in the Horror Writers Association.

But, I did see my name on an Amazon Author Page.

It was kind of devastating in a nice way. It really is no lie that success is far more frightening than failure. Now, don’t get the idea that I think this is some milestone of grandeur. I just feel this spot in stomach that must be housing thousands of cocoons of butterflies to come. It’s not spinning or bubbling, but preparing. For the inevitable. The inevitable what? Attention. That thing equally required and threatening to living a truly prosperous life.

Didn’t I start doing this because stickball was too violent and I preferred the company of a keyboard? It never criticizes my multiple perspectives or shallow indignities or even my pathetic pleas for.. oh, yeah. Attention.

It’s really no wonder that word appears on labels before important warnings, like, say, do not dry pets in microwave or hammers may be harmful if swallowed (Miley, that means you!).

So, speaking of attention, I’m good. Really. But buy the one book on the page, and any scheduled after. Just, um, never mind me.



It’s kinda what it sounds like. But, if you want to read it, you’ll have to wait until 100 Doors to Madness comes out from Forgotten Tomb Press. The anthology promises there are many doorways to madness, one hundred of which exist between its covers. “100 scares. 100 authors. 100 ways…”

Just one, ‘Parafornication’ tells a tale of found video footage that will turn heads. Can reading it expose a portal to the ethereal dimension where restless spirits are clamoring to get through? Probably not, but you might get sucked in anyway.

Merideth Grue

New Word Order $

wpid-Soft-white.jpgShort fiction up on Voluted Tales from yours truly. ‘New Word Order’ is in the Voluted Dreams Volume 2 issue.

Writer and editor Christopher Nadeau said, “Perhaps the most startlingly original story comes from Meredith Grue, whose “New Word Order” spells out in no uncertain terms just how horrifying language can be underneath the surface of day-to-day communication.”

New Word Order is available now!

On the (right) Path

wpid-Fictpath.jpgMy short story On the Path has been published on Bewildering Stories! This online speculative fiction magazine is free to read and contains quality stories of various lengths. Click in and stay awhile; it’s worth it.

I can’t tell you how exciting it is to be accepted. It’s like cheerleading tryouts never happened.

The story? Avid runner Alice visits her favorite park where she encounters a stranger who behaves suspiciously.

Thanks everyone for your help, support, and interest. I really appreciate it. No matter how life wrings you out, keep trying to iron out the wrinkles with a smile.

From the Depths Comes Gratitude


Just in time for Halloween, free horror mag released on issuu! From the Depths is a literary magazine that I find ‘pretty’ scary. Inside, you’ll find short fiction, shorter (flash) fiction, poetry and more, all spun from terror and quite possibly wit. And, it illustrates how the macabre can be beautiful.

Many thanks to Penny Dreadful, the editor with the fully swypable name, that allowed my two cents contribution. For simultaneous chills and thrills, please check out the attractive little horror collaboration in the Fall 2012 From the Depths magazine.

Leave the light on…

Merideth Grue



Somehow, I just spent the whole morning reading for free on Wattpad. There’s great stuff to be found on there.

I have been granted extra time off work, and can’t believe how little I can accomplish with it. Well, reading always enriches, so no guilt there. Maybe next I’ll organize that desk.

Guess it’s time to get back to work.

Meanwhile, check out Don’t Stare on Wattpad.

Acceptance: MicroHorror

1AlongAlright, grue fans, finally something to blog about! MicroHorror just published my flash story All Along.

Sometimes we wish the ones we love would just shush. But we can’t always have our way. Or can we?

Thanks a million to MicroHorror magazine. It’s horror for the time impaired. Check out all their quality stories.

Merideth Grue