Bread Art from Bangkok Has People Contemplating …Buddhism?

Bangkok Bakers Gruesome Breads Crafted Into Human Organs - Photos courtesy Diana Eid

Slice of life?

This masters degree holder used his formal education in fine art and practical education in baking to bring people closer to the teachings of Buddha – with bread. What looks like a horror movie inspired meat market is actually a bakery with spiritual intent.


Kittiwat Unarrom formed the bread into gruesome likenesses of mistreated human heads, limbs, and organs to remind that things are not what they seem.


Inside each of the masterfully sculpted and decorated baked treats awaited a soft and gooey center of wisdom. That appearances corrupt our senses would be obvious upon biting into one of these tasty sculptures.

Son of a baker, Kittiwat ventured into the family business in 2006, and now runs the family bakery. The factory keeps him busy, but ideas for his art still flow.

Kittiwat held exhibitions as late as 2008. He says his next exhibition will focus on something other than humans.

He is not taking orders.


Could you eat what was looking at you?